The Governor of California has been called in to help clean up the mess in the Gulf Coast left by the what may be the biggest oil spill in history, Sorta. OK, actually he has nothing to do with it, however BP did call in the "Robots" to "Terminate" the problem. After project "Top Kill" failed, BP has decided to send in Robots to cut the pipe, then feed the oil to a ship above. Only a temporary fix until they can figure out what to do next, but it will slow down the problem.
BP is looking at this all wrong. Instead of quickly finding a solution to the problem, they should find someone else to blame it on. I say they should place the entire incident on George W. Bush. Why? Because everyone else does. Global Warming, The Recession, Gas Prices, High School drop out rate, steroids in baseball(see the film "Bigger , Stronger, and Faster") : All W's fault. If I'm late for work, I'll just blame George. Sorry, about my sarcasm. In fact, instead of George Bush, BP should blame John Calapari. You know he's got something to do with it.
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